Monday, September 29, 2014

Armies on Parade: Day 4

I got some work in on the project.

I Built a tower out of Manufactorum bits and added some orky goodness. The tower will be fashioned into a pseudo-pirate ship for the Flash Gitz and Badrukk. The original plan was to have the freebooters as a supporting force, but now I'm leaning towards making the entire army into freebooters....

Sunday, September 28, 2014

AoP Days 2-3

I didn't blog yesterday, but I did work...

Yesterday, I started carving up the foam to make it look more interesting. I used everything from a kitchen knife to a heat gun to get to this shape. 

Today I went to my local hardware store and picked up a can of Great Stuff expanding foam. 

I went a little crazy with it.

Here's a pic with some of the models I plan to use.

So, yeah... I'm like 3% complete. 

Armies on Parade... Begins.

I've actually been procrastinating on this for a while now. At the T-30 Day mark, I figured I may as well get started.

Originally, I had hoped to do Space Wolves, but I am so far from having a good variety of models built that I couldn't make anything awesome. 

So, I pulled out my Orks.

I got some 2x2 foam boards and just threw some models on top of one. I knew I wanted to use my newer models, my Stompa, and these OOP Ork barricades I got off eBay a lifetime ago. 

After seeing the models on the board, I took a break.

I find that I do some of my best thinking when painting... 

Then I sketched out my newly formed plan and began building.

There's going to be a looted Manufactorum for Badrukk and some Flash gitz to inhabit, and I'm thinking of making some industrial run-off form into a sludge river against the cliff face. 

Only 29 days left!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Rune Priest

I'm trying to paint when I can, but between family, work, and school, it can be tough to find the time.

I started a working on a Rune Priest for my Space Wolves. 


"This is going super quick, I'll be done in no time!"


"What's up with the lack of progress?"

"Can I be done, please?"

I thought I was close to the finish line, but then realized I have a backpack and base to start. 

So I kicked it up a notch and put some work in. The base still needs painting, left shoulder needs company freehand, and I'm sure I can find some detail touch-ups, but this guy is almost done ski.