Monday, November 3, 2014

Armies on Parade 2014 Wrap-Up FIRST PLACE BABY!

Hey all, sorry for the lack of posting, but I had a lot of painting to do...

When I left you, I had begun construction on the display board. Here is the board after I carved up the road, added some ballast texture and some debris build up around the drain pipes.

I sprayed the entire board with gray primer for the base coat because my brown can had been the victim of some water damage.

Then, using my airbrush, I filled in the cracks and craters with black before basing the rest in burnt umber.

Then I sealed the board with a gloss coat and washed the entire board with a oil mix of black and umber brown.

I also attempted to use PVA to smooth out the river bed.

I dry brushed the red and orange to create the Mars look. Note the PVA is still drying...

I want the board crawling with Gretchen, as this was an encampment, but I didn't have any built or painted so...

I spent two of my days painting these guys up.

The PVA dried and I painted stegadon green over the glue and then poured Vallejo Water effects of the top. It ended up having a nice milky, toxic look.

I also built the tower out of a Manufactorum kit and created the skull and cross bones from extra stomps bits and plastic card.

The Grots... being Grots...

My display needed an HQ and I'd been wanting an excuse to paint Kaptin Baddruk.


Cool model, lots of details...

My Stompa isn't very converted, so I wanted the belly sun to be unique.

I cut out a tape stencil, based on a nob pole, and airbrushed the black symbol.

Then I outlined the symbol with mechicum grey.

Finished product.

With his little bro.

It was hard deciding who got a spot and who didn't...

The Dakka Jet was propped up with an acrylic rod my friend gave me years ago...

The Deff Koptas were held up by styrene rods painted black.

Here's some final pics.

These were taken at the store.

This was the announcement that proclaimed my supreme victory. 
It was a fun experience, I am proud of what I did in a month, but I know I could have done better.
Next year, I will definitely spend more than 30 days on my board, and already have the army painted...

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